Conquer the Land of Dawn: Powerful Strategies to Win Mobile Legends

The jungle calls, the turrets crumble! Have you ever dreamt of dominating the Land of Dawn, claiming victory in the epic clashes of Mobile Legends? But perhaps your quest for glory has been thwarted by cunning ganks and frustrating defeats.

Fear not, brave summoner! This guide is your battle plan, packed with potent strategies and tactical maneuvers to transform you from a struggling rookie into a champion worthy of legend with top up ml. So, sharpen your blades, polish your skills, and prepare to unleash your inner hero, because the path to victory awaits!

Powerful Strategies to Win Mobile Legends

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (ML) has become a MOBA game loved by many. However, achieving victory in the Land of Dawn isn’t as easy as flipping a hand. It takes smart strategies and strong teamwork. Don’t worry, this article will equip you with powerful tactics to conquer your opponents and lead your team to victory.

1. Focus on Objectives, Not Kills

Remember, the main goal of ML is to destroy enemy turrets. While killing enemies can be tempting, don’t get carried away. Prioritize pushing turrets and farming minions to increase gold and level. Remember, kills without objectives are just stats.

2. Know Your Hero and Item Builds

Knowledge of your chosen hero’s skills, combos, and item builds is crucial. Study guides and watch pro-player gameplay to understand the hero’s potential. Pay attention to the meta and adjust your item builds according to the situation of the match. Don’t be rigid and use the same build all the time!

3. Communication and Teamwork

Communication is key! Ask for help from teammates when getting ganked, inform them of enemy positions, and coordinate attacks. Avoid carrying ego and play objectively. A cohesive team has more potential to win than a team full of stars.

4. Monitor the Mini Map and Control the Map

Map awareness is vital. Keep an eye on the mini-map to know enemy positions, turrets under attack, and the movement of teammates. Control the map with wards and rotate to help teammates who need assistance.

5. Adapt and Use Dynamic Strategies

Don’t stick to one strategy. Observe the enemy hero composition and adjust your team’s strategy accordingly. If countered, don’t hesitate to switch heroes or change your approach. Flexibility and adaptation will make your team difficult to predict.

6. Stay Calm and Sportsmanlike

Keep your emotions in check and avoid being toxic even in difficult situations. Focus on improving your play, encourage your teammates, and remain sportsmanlike. A strong mentality will help your team bounce back and achieve victory.

Besides that, to strengthen each of the strategies above, here are some tips that you should consider, which are:

Before jumping into ranked, practice your hero and their combos in custom or AI mode.
Get familiar with meta-heroes and counter heroes to choose the right ones.
Don’t forget farming because minions are your main source of gold. Efficient farming will make you richer and stronger.
Prioritize big key objectives like turtle, lord, and buffs.
Learn from mistakes and analyze your match history to improve your play.

Now, armed with these strategies and tips, you are ready to storm the Land of Dawn and carve your name into the annals of Mobile Legends legend. Remember, victory is not a solo endeavor. Foster strong communication and teamwork, adapt your tactics, and never give up on your climb to the top.

But even the mightiest heroes need a little boost sometimes. Consider to top up ml Diamonds for that extra edge. Whether it’s unlocking a powerful new hero or securing that coveted skin, a well-timed top-up can be the game-changer you need. So, choose your weapon, gather your allies, top up your diamonds, and step onto the battlefield.

Remember, winning isn’t everything. Enjoy the process, improve your skills, and have fun in the Land of Dawn! Glory awaits!

Why You Shouldn’t Stop Your Children From Playing Video Games

Although some people think that it has negative effects on children, we can’t deny that playing VIDEO GAMES has been the norm for a long time. Video games have been proven to have many benefits for children. Parent-approved video games that’re played in moderation can help young children develop vital cognitive and social skills.

Below are a few reasons why you should let your kids play video games:

1.) It improves memory and coordination.

A child should be able to coordinate his visual, audial, and physical movements, improving his overall coordination when he’s playing. It also improves his memory because some games require him to memorize certain rules and keyboard combinations to be able to execute special moves. This definitely improves a child’s short and long term memories and exercises his mind.

2.) It builds up multitasking skills.

There’re some adventure and action games that teach kids to be good and attentive at multitasking. An example would be moving their joystick around while looking at different elements on the screen and making split second decisions that’re factors to winning the game.

3.) It helps in children’s brain development.

A lot of people might not know it but kids learn problem solving skills from playing card games because there’re those that entail planning and problem solving. It also helps a child become more alert because some games just require you to be one or it’s the game’s objective. Furthermore, there’re games that require you to think and improve on your vocabulary such as LETTER SCRAMBLE where you spell as many words as you can before the time runs out, scrabble-style. There’re a lot of games like this at that you’ll enjoy playing.

4.) It builds teamwork.

The extensive majority of video games are now designed with cooperative play options. Whether it’s fighting off alien invaders, or logic puzzle games, video games offer kids a wealth of opportunities to constructively work together. A puzzle game like DAILY SOKOBAN, where you push boxes around a warehouse to place them on marked locations, is one that kids will definitely like.

5.) It gives positive reinforcement.

Most video games are designed to allow players to succeed and be rewarded for that success. Different skill levels and a risk and reward gaming culture mean that children are not afraid to lose and will take a few chances in order to achieve their main goal.

6.) It can become a lucrative career.

The chances of becoming a professional video gamer is quite small, just as with professional sports. However, the video gaming industry is growing by leaps and bounds, much faster than traditional sports and entertainment. Plus, there’re many careers in this booming industry such as marketing, coding, and running events.

Some of the Risks of Online Gaming For Young People

I remember when I used to play Trap Shoot and Tetris on my desktop computer. I’d play them after I’ve had a really long, tiring day to destress and have some simple fun. My parents weren’t worried even if I play for hours because they know that those games are harmless. Nowadays, there’re still a lot of wholesome online games such as Neon Invaders which is inspired by the arcade classic Space Invaders as well as 3D Pool which is a version of 8 ball billiards. They’re reminiscent of those that I used to play and which you can play anytime at However, there’re online games today that’re quite alarming because they’re unsuitable for kids.

Dangers of Online Gaming

Although gaming is a fun and sociable way to spend time, there’re a few dangers you need to be aware of to help kids stay safe and have a positive gaming experience. Playing online games can offer young people a sense of escape from the reality of the world, and the social aspect of some games can help children feel like they’re part of a community. However, without the right guidance on what games to play or when to play, children can be exposed to certain dangers such as in-game bullying, online grooming, and even gaming addiction.

Probable Risks and Ways to Support Children in Building Resilience and Making Safer Choices

A. Online Game Addiction

Many parents worry that their children may be becoming addicted to their video game hobby. This isn’t surprising because those who enjoy playing video games for leisure will do so eagerly which can lead to a desire for children to play longer and more often. It’s essential for parents to guide children with screen time limits as they develop their own healthy boundaries. Changing behavior is about helping children form new habits rather than a chemical withdrawal like substance abuse.

B. Contact With Strangers

Video games are more fun when played with other people. Recently that has changed from playing with people in the same room to playing with people online. Also, the level and types of communication online games offer has evolved notably over recent years. Whereas games were seen separately to social media, they now greatly overlap with online social sharing sites. Furthermore, players don’t necessarily know who they’re playing with. Parents need to understand the games their children are playing and how to set them up safely.

C. Online Gaming Health

There’ve been studies (one study published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine) that suggest situations in which someone spends hours sitting in one place can increase the risk of a Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). Since video games are perceived to be a sedentary hobby, it’s good advice to ensure kids take breaks every hour. This will keep them moving and it offers a chance for a change of activity. Another issue is that of flickering lights from video games triggering seizures. The Epilepsy Foudation has already issued new guidelines to help avoid these rare cases.

D. Effects on Behavior

Parents worry that that the interactive nature of video games will affect their children’s behavior. This is particularly true where younger players experience more violent games not necessarily designed for their age. In their book, Moral Combat, Markey and Ferguson show that although the rise of video game sales to teenagers has risen suddenly over the years, there’s been no correlating rise in violent crime. It’s important though that parents use the PEGI ratings and related information that provides a detailed account of the violence, language, and sex contained in a video game.

Great Male Bonding Methods For Anyone

If you are looking for some helpful ways to get a little closer to some of your buddies, then it’s good to know that there are always many ways in which you can do that. Whether you have just met some people at a new place of work, or you are looking to try and make new friends some other way, you can be sure that it is helpful to have some idea of what you can actually do together. Spending time together as friends will be beneficial for the both of you and for the relationship as a whole, and it’s good to have some of these ideas up your sleeve. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the best male bonding methods you might want to consider next time you are looking to get to know a pal of yours.



If you have never been fishing, you might be surprised at how effective it can truly be for getting to know someone. Because it typically takes many hours of sitting still, it is a great opportunity to chat away with a beer or two, and you might find that it is especially useful for getting to know one another a little better. Even if you neither of you are into fishing at present, it’s a worthwhile pastime to learn ust so that you can have it to bond over. At first, you will find yourself wondering about all sorts of technical matters such as What’s the best reel to use?, but before long you should be able to find a groove in which you can get to understand the process of fishing – and hopefully even manage to enjoy it greatly as well. Consider going fishing if you are looking to really delve deep in conversation with someone  or, likewise, if you just want to sit in silence together, which can be equally as powerful for the same purpose.


Because of the competitive and physical nature of sports, they are often a great opportunity for men to get together, and this is north remember if you are looking for ways to do that. The great thing about this is that you can either do it as a means of spending time with someone you have just met – or you can use it to actually meet some new people in the first place. Simply going to join a local club will ensure that you can meet a lot of new people, and that alone will make it easier to get bonding with some new men in your life. What the port is is entirely up to you, of course, but make sure you do go for something that you are actually likely to personally enjoy – don’t just go along with something that doesn’t interest you for that sake of it. You are unlikely to meet like-minded people anyway, and you won’t end up having as good a time as you would hope to.



Something else that a lot of men bond over is games – of many different varieties. Particularly popular are video games, of course, and that could be a good in for you if that is up your street. Ut it could be any kind of games, and you  might actually be surprised at just how many people out there spend their spare time playing board and card games too. Whether that means for you personally playing some late-night poker, or whether you are more of a MagicThe Gathering type guy, as long as you know which to go for, you may as well give it a shot. Find a local group to play with, and you can be sure that you will be able to make some great new friends. This is good because you will probably find that they meet regularly too, so you can be sure that you are going to be able to make it a regular part of your life in that way, which will make it much more effective for our purposes here. Bear in mind that you do need to find the kind of game that you actually enjoy however, and as long as you do that you should be able to use it as the perfect opportunity to find some new male friends and get bonding with them. You might be surprised at how effective this really can be.

All of the above are great options for bonding, so pick and choose the ones that work for you and get going.

Forget the Ceremony, The Wedding Is All About The Party

OK, maybe you shouldn’t forget the ceremony entirely – there are some practical aspects to the day, after all – but that’ll be done and dusted in no time at all. If there’s one thing that guests and the couple love, it’s having a big party with the people they love! So if you want your wedding to be memorable, you need to ensure that the party is full of love, life, and fun. Not sure how to achieve this goal? Take a read of some of our useful tips below, and make it a party for the ages.


The Essentials

A couple of balloons won’t inspire people to shake loose for the evening! Set the mood by making the room look amazing. It’s all about the lighting and having an ample space for people to dance, perhaps with fairy lights dotting the edge. Also, don’t forget that people will be ready to dance once they’ve had a couple of drinks. But these should be no ordinary drinks: weddings are for cocktails and spirits, so make sure you have a well-stocked bar available for your guests.

Deliver the Best Music

The most important aspect of any party is the wedding! If it’s on point, then it’ll be one to remember for all the right reasons. If it’s not, then the party will be a lead balloon. There’s nothing worse than a party with no-one on the dance floor. Get everyone in the mood to dance by hiring a live band, like those available at Once the live band has finished, it’s all about having a DJ who knows what tracks to play to keep people up and dancing all night long, so choose wisely!

Babysitting Services

It’s awesome to have children at a wedding. They bring such infectious energy! However, there comes the point in the evening when they’re just not able to keep up with the adults, and need to hit the hay. Alas, this is the moment when many people leave the party and head home, even when they don’t want to. So think about offering a group babysitting service when the music starts. All the kids will be well looked after, having fun together, and the adults can hit the dance floor without worrying about stepping on tiny humans.

Midnight Snacks

The aim is to have your party go on until the early hours. If your party is finished before it legally has to end, then something has gone a little bit wrong! Keep in mind that your guests aren’t party-machines, able to power through hour after hour on the dancefloor. They’ll need their energy topping up from time to time. As such, consider providing a midnight snack. People are going to work up an appetite after hitting the dance floor! Also, think about making a small “chill out area” where people can sit down and talk in between dancing sessions. It’ll keep everyone at the party much longer.

Tips on Buying a New or Used Car

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This post is dedicated to those people who has a planned already to obtained their first car as am giving away some tips to consider before getting a certain car.

If you are keen to have a new car, you might probably thought that these cars are well equipped and nothing to fix already but not just that as the new cars needs to test for some drives before it became in the right condition thus this car came usually to a insurance for you to have at peace and secured.

And for those who eyeing for used car, you’ll be needed to bring your own mechanic while checking the unit. Because sometimes, these cars are prone to oil leaking and some same issues hence getting it checked up is a must. But to make it sure for your buys, you can get a car from as the company is pretty reputable and has a competitive pricing for their units and cars. Go check the shop today and see for yourself on what kind of car suits you best!


Stüssy Teamed up With Cactus Plant Flea Market, Union & More for Some New Tees


Your favourite street wear brand called Stussy is now again in teamed up with various of brands that we used to like as well and one of those was this Union, which is new heard for me though, and the local’s favourite called Cactus Plant Flea Market, where all awesome finds could be found. Actually, I was too statics when learned about this because all of the collaborative items of stussy are truly quirky and dope to have though the brand itself, stussy, is really a good finds already but I think getting their name teamed up was a awesome idea after all.

All these tees are perfectly for summer by next year probably. But if you are fond enough like myself I really can pull them off this fall and even this winter season. Just know on how to match and mix your available fashion finds and you’ll be fine.


Well, As of now I only knew that these finds were be gone available at Los Angeles Stussy main branch, based to, other than that, I haven’t know any. Hence you’ll have to keep checking this blog for the update as am too keen to update y’all guys in here.

Don’t Let The Side Down At Your Wedding

Both sides of the wedding need to look stylish and stunning on the big day. You might think that it only matters how the bride looks but that’s not true. If the groom looks a mess, it’s going to bring the entire side down, and that’s something that you want to avoid. There are various ways to do this. Let’s start with some basic tips to ensure you look like a gentleman standing at the altar.


Perfectly Pressed Suit


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You do need to make sure that your suit is properly pressed for your big wedding day. It’s quite possible to forget this detail in the chaos surrounding the days before your wedding, but you shouldn’t. The simple answer is to make sure you use a professional dry cleaner. A pro dry cleaner will ensure that there are no issues with the suit before the big day and iron out those creases. Don’t try and do this yourself unless you’re sure you can get your suit for the wedding looking brand new.


Polished Shoes


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Make sure that your shoes are well polished before the big day. This will ensure that they look tremendous in wedding photos. According to Vittore Buzzi, the best wedding photographers highlight the key details of a scene and perfectly polished shoes could be an example of this. Particularly, if they glisten in the morning sun for photos taken outdoors. Of course, there are other little details like this to pay attention to as well, such as cufflinks. Cufflinks should be seen underneath your sleeve and will add a touch of bling to your attire.


Matching Beautifully


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There are two key elements of colour to the typical groom wear. These are the cummerbund and the tie. Either can be colourful and provide a touch of vibrancy to what can be a rather plain wedding outfit. That said, you can add little class to this choice by matching the colour or shade of the tie or cummerbund perfectly with that of the colour or shade of the bride’s dress. This is going to look wonderful in pictures and when you are standing at the altar. Of course, if your lady is opting for a white dress, you can instead match the colour of the tie to that of the bridesmaid dresses.


Staying In Style


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Choose the suit for your wedding carefully and make sure that you keep up with the latest style choices in the wedding industry when you get married. For instance, you might want to think about how many buttons your jacket should have. You’d be surprised to learn that the wrong number can make you look completely out of style on your big day.


Get A Cut


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Last but not least, you need to make sure you get a haircut and possible a styling job a few days before the grand event. Women spend hours perfecting their hair the morning before. While you don’t have to go this far, you also don’t want to be standing there looking ungroomed and unkempt on your wedding day.


Groovy Groomsmen: Coordinating with Bridesmaids

When you get married, there are many fashion considerations to take into account. You need to think about colors and themes, and whether anyone is going to match anyone else. Some wedding parties have groomsmen all wearing exactly the same thing, while others a bit looser when it comes to choosing outfits. One thing you might want to consider doing is tying in the groomsmen’s outfits to the bridesmaids. You might especially want to do this if the people standing up with the bride and groom aren’t strictly split along gender lines. Making sure the groomsmen look sharp while the bridesmaids look their best can be tricky, but there are ways to do it.

Choose Wedding Theme or Colors

Before you can start matching up your bridesmaids and groomsmen, you need to have a wedding theme or colors. This is often one of the first things you pick when planning a wedding. You need to make sure both of you have agreed to and are clear on the colors you want to use, and the theme of the wedding if there is one. A theme doesn’t have to be too specific. It can just help to narrow your wedding choice down. It could be something like “rustic” or “vintage”, or you might pick something more specific, like a particular period or even a pop culture reference.

Image credit: Pexels

Decide How Coordinated You Want to Be

Once you know your theme or colors, you need to think about just how coordinated you want everyone to be. You might want to have everyone be as matching as possible, but you could also be more relaxed about your approach. Your groomsmen could all be in the exact same suit, with the same shirts, shoes and accessories. However, you might also want to pick a certain style or color and then let them choose the exact outfit they want to wear. This allows each of them to find something they feel comfortable in. Some might want to wear a vest under their jacket, some might like a tie while others want a bowtie. It also leaves room for them to wear things they already have, like a pair of formal shoes, instead of buying new.

Financing Your Wedding Fashion

Paying for outfits is something you might want to think about before making decisions about coordinating. Your budget could dictate whether you decide to make an effort to coordinate your groomsmen and to match them to bridesmaids. It’s also worth considering who is going to pay. In the US, members of the wedding party usually pay for their own outfits. However, in the UK, it’s usually the bride and groom who pay. If you’re considering paying, you might want to think of how to find the space in your budget. If you own your home, a homeowner loans company could help you out with some more cash. However, if you’re trying to keep costs down, you might not offer to pay. Just make sure that everyone knows they have to pay for themselves before they accept.

Image credit: Wikimedia

Pick a Matching Motif

Using wedding colors is one way to get groomsmen and bridesmaids to coordinate. Another option is to pick a motif that can feature on both the bridesmaids’ and groomsmen’s outfits. This is often easy to do with flowers. The brides can carry bouquets, and the groomsmen can wear boutonnieres featuring the same flowers. Or you could consider having a pin, which the grooms have on their jackets and the bridesmaids have on their dress, holding a shawl together, or even in their hair. The motif could also be a pattern that features on the bridesmaids’ dresses or shoes and also on the groomsmen’s ties, shirts or vests.

Coordinating When Everyone is Mismatched

Sometimes, neither the bridesmaids or the groomsmen will match each other. Many couples are happy to let their wedding party follow loose guidelines, or else they purposely choose mismatched outfits. Getting everyone to coordinate in some way if you go this route can be even more difficult. One way to do it is to focus on colors. For example, if each bridesmaid has a different color for her dress, give each of the grooms a tie in a shade that matches one of the bridesmaids. Or give the bridesmaids pashminas in the same colors as the groomsmen. Of course, if you picked a wedding theme, the theme can bring everyone together.

If you love fashion, choosing outfits will be one of your favorite parts of wedding planning. Your groomsmen can all look great and still coordinate with the bride’s party.

Taking More Striking Fashion Photos

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As a fashion blogger, it’s obviously important that the images on your blog are of the highest possible quality, and that they really showcase the clothing you’re writing about. This is a lot more difficult to achieve than you might imagine! Luckily, if you’re just starting out, there are some things that will help to make fashion photos more striking right now. Check them out now:

Preparation is Everything

If you take only one thing from this post, let it be this. Preparation is the key to taking more striking fashion photos. Before you start shooting, you need to have some idea of the look you’re trying to achieve, whether you’re going for a retro snapshot or an avant-garde photograph.You need to have some idea which poses will show off the clothing best and what hair and makeup styles will complement the outfit well. If you work all of this out beforehand, it’ll be much easier to get the shots you want with minimum effort and no burnout.

Learn Photoshop

It cannot be stated enough how important it is to learn Photoshop if you want the images on your blog to stand out. Some people will say it’s cheating, but tweaking the light a bit or enhancing the color so that it’s a more accurate reflection of what you see with the naked eye just ensures that you show your readers the clothing as it really is. So, if you don’t already know photoshop, consider taking a class with Training Connection. Classes are available to anyone, so there’s no excuse not to learn. It will really help to transform your fashion photos from drab to fab.

Shoot from Every Angle

If you want to get the best shots, you have to be prepared to shoot from every conceivable angle. If you only ever shoot from the front, your photos will be flat and boring – you want them to be dynamic and interesting, so move around.

Direct Your Models

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If you want your blog to be the best it can be, you can’t be afraid to give your models some direction. If you want the guy to invoke images of James Dean, tell him to have a bit more swagger about him, or if you think he lacks in personality, tell him to engage his facial muscles a bit more – it’s the only way to get the shots you really want.

Do Think Differently

If you want your images to stand out from the images on a hundred other fashion blogs, you need to be prepared to break the rules. You might know how you’re supposed to light a shot, but that doesn’t mean you should always do it that way. So, experiment with a higher contrast, lower light, and even Instagram filters, because you never know what amazing new technique you might stumble on.

Use Atypical Models

If you want your images to have an immediate impact, you might want to think about using ‘unusual models’ from atypical agencies like Anti-Agency,  such as guys with beer bellies instead of six-packs shorter than average guys and any guy who doesn’t fit the typical model mold will instantly attract the eye.

Taking more striking photos for your fashion blog isn’t easy, but if you’re willing to experiment and keep an open mind, you’ll get there in the end.