As ive said that this blog is indeed transferred on hostgator, as i moved to the new server one thing that ive been forgotten and too bad for me though because that is wp-content wherein all of my saved images,plugins,themes and all blog contents are saved and stored there thats why you may notice that some of my posts are haven’t it images on it because of my wp-content is not here yet, i mean the old wp-content folder that you may locate over your own cpanel as you know on how to work on it,(pretty sure all of you know on what ill be telling here right?) Now im heads up to my old freaking hosting cpanel to backups all of my wp-contents to all of blogs so that you may see all of those images back on the designated post they are..hahah i hope i can make it smoothly later and i dont encounter such major problem after i did this transferring of wp-content, but no worries you can still see this blog live but due with some deleted file you might see such error in every posts, but not sure though about it, but let see as i deleted the wp-content that i was have today, but definitely all things will be fine as the old wp-content installed on my cpanel..ok thats it for now and thanks a lot