You may think that gentlemen are people of the past but attentiveness and consideration never go out of style. A true gentleman is opinionated and intellectually rigorous, yet also thoughtful and caring of others. These qualities are something that every male individual should aspire to have. If you feel like you need to refine your chivalrous features, here are 8 essential elements that define a proper gentleman:
Dress code
Clothes certainly do make a man. Find yourself a dashing suit for solemn occasions. Put on shoes with laces, collar with buttons, and a matching belt. The modern times are not so solemn but there are ways to create a poise of class and elegance. The fashion industry is not solely reserved for women. Try out new outfits, see what designs complement your body figure and enhance your overall appearance. You will certainly feel better as a man when you establish your own style.
Enhancing your looks with Italian attorney briefcases
A gentleman may look the same every time he is seen but he definitely dresses differently than others. A polished look is pleasing to the eye and is not easily forgotten. And do you know what also completes a man’s elegant appearance? A quality leather briefcase. They make a lasting impression, especially if you choose your Italian attorney briefcases well. Remember, what is inside should be displayed on the outside, too. Reflect who you are with style and class.
Practice good hygiene
It goes without saying, but here is a gentle reminder: Cleanliness is critical. Daily showers, deodorant sprays, a dab of cologne, and a tidy beard makes a gentleman dignified and attractive. Keep your hair tidy but do not put too much goop in it either. Get a professional manicure if you can not make your nails immaculate.
Grooming is of utmost importance if you want to refine your looks and create an image of maturity and masculine beauty. Oh, and don’t forget to clean your room. How you care for your household can reflect how you care for yourself.
Do not look like a slacker
T-shirts and sweatpants have their place, and they are excellent in limited circumstances. But a gentleman takes pride in his appearance. He has style. Take some time to explore what looks good on you yet also feels comfortable. Buy a suit, at least one. You will need it. Do it tailored so that it fits you well. Get some shirts that look sharp; there are some excellent options for not ironing. And polish your shoes.
Do not be vulgar
The era of pediatric jokes was are not even fun in elementary school, so it’s time to quit. And yes, the word “f” is more acceptable than it used to be, but really – you are more creative than that. Keep calm and think about what a gentleman might say. Be much more original and use your charm and wits to wow people.
Remember your manners

Your mom taught you to say please and thank you, right? Your father taught you to shake hands with authority but being careful not to crush the other guy’s hand in the process. A gentleman looks straight in the eye while exchanging courtesies. Being polite is rare these days so never underestimate the need to behave thoughtfully. Take initiative like holding the door, especially for old people, and carrying heavy bags for the ladies. You will be surprised how good it makes you feel.
Stay in control
A gentleman never loses his wits. He is never verbally abusive or harmful in any way. He does not drink more than he can handle, so he can always behave with dignity and use restraint when necessary. You cannot control so many factors in the world but you can certainly control yourself. If you feel that you are getting angry, get away from the situation. A gentleman stays calm and knows how to postpone his intensive emotions.
Choose to be friendly

A gentleman can read the feelings of other people before acting. Send a thank you note or flowers when someone has stayed for the night. Offer your seat on the bus to the pregnant woman. Think about how your actions affect others and behave accordingly. When you choose to perform a kind act, even a small one, you can instigate change. The more good actions you do, the better you will become as a person. Being nice is rare so try to show those qualities every now and then.
The key is to be considerate. When you are respectful of other people, when you think of other people’s feelings, and just try to behave as decently as humanly possible, then you are acting like a proper gentleman would. If you can polish your looks, work on your demeanor, and sharpen your wits, then you sir, are well on your way to become a walking example of chivalry and respect.