We do all know that page rank is truly important for us all webmasters because it’s signifies on how important are blog is, and Mr. G is the only one who can give us a page rank by each blog you owned by the way. Recently, Actually yesterday, Google dances a bit(updating) by dropping by some of my friends blogs, meaning Google is updating quite bit? and as far as I know,that was called “Minor Updates” based on those SEO Masters who really works of this kind. I am not a expert,but I would say that I can understand how this matter works, But let see if I can clearly explain it over here.
Page rank- this was the matter of monetizing i bet so. Because as you are a blogger who doesn’t care about earning at least a penny on your blog, you don’t probably care how this page rank working? because you’ll just want to share your rambling and thoughts,right? into your blog. While on my situation and to the majority population of bloggers out there, page rank is like an celebrities gossip that most people talking about so often because its contingent in away on how much we could earn to our blogs, because nowadays advertisers are looking to your “blog Stat” that they’ll may convince them to get you on their campaigns.
When Google update?
– Newbies are often asked this, but sorry to say, NO one knows! Yeah , I’m telling you Google was indeed unpredictable this passed year, because usually Google updates within 3 months span after the last updates. But nowadays Google are too elusive by consistently updating not like before. And as Ive noticed it, Google only updating one “Major updates” a year and the rest dances are Minor updates only.(but I’m not sure though,let me update this as I found out if this real or not.)
How to have Google Rank?
There was a lot of ways that you may do to have this awesome page rank with you, but you have to be considering on what would you think is the best way for your end. Liked for example on my case,I usually do blog commenting than having some directories and social bookmarking stuff there because I know and practically saying that doing blog commenting its like you are hitting 2 birds in one stone by just visiting other blogs and leave your link out and at the time you can get the same favor to those blogs that you’ve done commenting. gets what I mean? sorry I am not good in explaining things out, so please bear with me.
BTW quality of blog is a MUST when you are doing the blog commenting,As long the blog that you about to comment with has this strong backlinks around Google and has this great page rank then. All things will be fine.