Desclaimer: this post is not a paid post or advertiser post i just want to share this info to my readers..just to clear the 🙂
The Giant entertainment company Viacom has taken is battle on google youtube for suing it for some copyrights issues, Because viacom found out that there was a lot of viacom clip that has been viewed on youtube without their permission! 160,000 unlicensed videos in total,that’s why viacom asking youtube to pay them with some damages and if not mistaken they asking a billion dollars for it , but on my personal opinion youtube is not liable in any clip that posted on the site though they owned it ,but the point is a lot of people are using Youtube and upload their want to upload and in that matter google cant check each one of those clip if that particular clip has or doesn’t have a license to be posted on the site , by the way google owned youtube just to clear this out…
you can check the video below for more info..