I need a new set of computer..lol

Yehey, im quite happy right now because its been quite a while when ive been updated this category , and my wish list right now is to have a new set of computer and  im talking about desktop because lap top doesnt work to me..lol because right now i am using a lap top that my sister bought to me (daw)lol and when i do blogging its kinda hard to write because this lap top that im using is always lean on our bed and I don’t have any choice just to drop and i get back hurts more often..huhu that’s why i decided to include this set of computer into my wish list so that i can blog comfortably.. and i hope i can get it as soon as i can, what do you think? earning 3000-5000 thousand a month will be able to buy one?lol i bet is not, so please payu2blog approve my blog s,lol and i hope it will be happen next month (cross fingered)

6 thoughts on “I need a new set of computer..lol

  1. I recently bought a new laptop too and I blog mostly on my bed because I don’t have a table and chair in my room! My laptop only costs me $365 because I just need it for some basic stuff and it works really well! I hope you’ll get a new one soon!

    P.S. No, I’m not a Filipino 🙂 xxoxooxo

  2. oh… i also want a desktop computer though. i know the back pains you are talking about. haha un nga lang…. ang kinaganda ng laptop, you can use it anywhere basta may wi-fi. 😀

    good luck on that one.

  3. waw! nice site 🙂
    well im making more than that but guess wat? i still dont have my own lappy 🙁

    tnx 4 dropping by in my hauz!
    add din po kta ha 😉

  4. Hi there,

    I’m using mini laptop. I don’t have chair and table in my room too .So i used a box as a table and sat on the floor everyday . This make my leg pain.

    well , i still think laptop is better , because you can carry it every where you go and you also can use wireless compare to desktop.
    You must appreacite you have laptop lol.

    Anyway , wish you can get your desktop soon . cheers 🙂

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