Parenting is hectic by nature, so adding something like baby food prep into the mix can seem impossible and unnecessary. However, there are many benefits to taking the time and effort to create your own baby food for your kiddo and there are tools, like the baby food maker, that can make things easier. Also, you can save over $1500 on groceries, per year per child, by making your own baby food using the maker alone.
You’ll Know Every Ingredient: One of the most obvious benefits of making your baby’s food is the fact that you will know every ingredient. Mass produced baby food often comes with a limit in variety and questionable content, which is why making your own can be so much better than buying.
No Preservatives: Even organic baby food is meant to have a shelf life of about two years. This means that the food must have preservatives and other additives to keep it fresh. When food is made fresh on a regular basis, those same additives are simply not required.
All-Natural Nutrients: Even all-natural baby products may lack important nutrients that are needed for growth and development. When you make your own baby food, you can make sure that your kiddo is getting everything he or she needs for a strong start in life.
Save Time and Money: While you may need to initially invest in a blender or food processor, making you baby’s food will save you a bunch of cash, and time, in the long run. Even in bulk, buying baby food can be expensive. Meanwhile, making your baby’s food at home means using the same ingredients that you would feed to the rest of your family, and can help you avoid extra trips to the grocery store. You will also save yourself time and hassle of reading the tiny script of ingredients and agonizing about which food is safe for your child to consume.
Making your own baby food has many benefits for both you as a parent and your child. While not everyone is able or willing to do this, there are ways to streamline the process to help avoid extra stress.