As a student, you’ll probably spend your first year in university halls. After this, you’ll most likely be heading into a student house, which will usually see you sharing with a number of people. When this happens, it can be tough to adjust to living so closely with other people.
Here are some tips from experienced student lettings agency letslivehere to ensure you get the most out of your time living together.
Share contact details and emergency information
This may seem boring, but it’s important to share your contact details and emergency contacts with your flatmates. This will be useful in case of emergencies and also if one housemate stops paying rent and you need to chase down their guarantor.
Meet your housemates before moving in
If you don’t know the people you’re moving in with or you only have passing ties with them, you’ll need to meet up to make sure you’re all a good fit. If you’re alone and trying to find a space in a house that is already occupied, you should try to get to know the other housemates. This helps determine personality fit and lifestyle fit, avoiding nasty surprises down the line!
Be courteous to each other
Partying together is great, but no one likes the guy who blasts music at night when everyone else is trying to sleep. Make sure you all understand each other’s schedules and try your best to live in harmony. Having an overnight guest is generally fine but the situation can turn sour if they’re continually at your property but not contributing financially.
Devise a schedule
Dishes and other chores pile up quickly when you’re busy studying and hosting parties. Agreeing on a cleaning rota so everyone has tasks to stick to will help keep mess to a minimum and prevent arguments.
Cooking should either be done individually or as a group, which saves on costs but demands you all like the same food. A cooking rota can help but some people may want to cook individually – so it’s worth bringing this up with everyone as soon as you can.
Organise bills
Paying bills may be a chore but it’s unavoidable. Students are no exception. Resentment can quickly grow if one of you is slacking or using lots of electricity compared to everyone else, so you’ll all need to have a discussion about how much you’re comfortable paying and stick to a budget. Bills should be paid by splitting the cost between everyone.
If you find any of your housemates are slacking, it’s time for a meeting. Confront them about it, gently at first — they could have an underlying problem. If they’re just plain lazy, issue them an ultimatum. Everyone should pull their weight so you can all enjoy a happy student life.