Quick Tutorial on how to use disqus comment platform on your blog?

Most blogger wants to have a professional looking blog and one way to do that is to change your comment platform especially if you are using blogspot.com because most of the blogger who uses blogspot are really looking forward to have a blog who has a nice comment platform like on wordpress, thats why im giving you a idea ,in order for you to tweak your blogspot comment platform and that will be disqus , yeah you can use disqus comment platform into your blogspot theme so that it will be look nicer

so how to install the disqus comment platform?

please bear in mind that most of the converted themes aren’t able to use this comment platform automatically so that i suggest is to install it manually into your xml file on your Edit html

Choose the Universal code to install your comment platform manually

And you end up here

The first code must be putted under your blog post that located on Edit layout , just add widget and choose the add html then drag the html widget under your blog post

the second code must be included on your Edit html file or xml file just look for this code </body> tag and put the code at the top of this body code then save it.. and there you go you have your disqus platform

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