How To Tag your friends in your facebook status wall?

People are having a hard time to find out on how other people in facebook can really tag their friends over that status wall that they been made of, and yeah i still receiving some messages on my inbox via facebook that some of my friends are often asked me on how i can tagged them on my status, and yeah as you can see  the photo on top you can definitely find out on how to do that dear,haha

But for instant, if you dont gets on what the photo says,let me teach you on how to make just go on your home page on facebook of course or even on your profile page as long as you can see the wall that you can post your status to be, and by then just write the @ sign and the name of your friends who you would like to tag with , and there is it..all names will be shown up who you can tag y with..ok i think i am done explaining this and time  for me now to update my other blogs who haven’t updated quite thanks