Reebok x Hall of Fame USA Capsule Collection

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I loved all the collaborative items that these well known brands and labels are worked together with. Actually, these items where pretty rare and sometimes these are the most expensive to have because it’s like you’re buying off the two brands in one item at the same time, especially those high-end brands which made them collaborative items an limited edition which these fashion enthusiasts and icons are dying to have for.

But for those dope guys who really likes street wear fashion like myself, of course we’re pretty much happy to have these street brands teamed up in one awesome brand that can make us dope as we wears their item, right? hence I am so pleased to tell you all that the Reebok is fondly work with the other brand called Hall of Fame USA for their both capsule collection this coming season. I must say, their pieces where quite usual and athletes are mostly into these. But try to think of it, these pieces were good in a casual wear too and you can even comfortably wears them anywhere and everywhere.

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They also came up with some kicks too, And I think this kick, picture on top, are one of the design they did use back in 90’s but I am not sure though. and still the kicks really rocks it all, right? also, for the design wise, I think it has a similarities to the one kicks brand that is based in Korea which they used no laces in their kicks too.. But overall these collection is a must watch and wait as am sure that they gonna hit the market, soon as it gets released..

Shopping For Exotic Skin Bags

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Exotic skin bags spell timeless elegance that can go beyond the avant garde fashionista, to the sophisticated, mature man or woman. Nowadays, with the prices of these pieces becoming more affordable, more people are able to buy them. However, there’re some factors to consider when shopping for exotic skin handbags such as authentication and certificates. The brand you buy your bag from should have a CITES certificate which substantiates the skins were not illegally acquired. Then, inspect the pattern of the skin and check the quality and feel of the skin which should be soft and flexible.

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When you already know that the bag is of high quality, you next have to figure out which bag is suitable for you. Determine your general skin temperature, whether it’s warm or cool. If you have cooler undertones, go with fuchsia and purple. For brown or yellow undertones, stick to natural colored exotic skin like beige, brown, and gold. You likewise have to take into consideration your body shape and size. If your build is medium to large, purchase a bag that’s proportionate. If you’re petite, don’t buy a large tote or big bag since this would make you look smaller. The same thing goes to those who’re tall and large. Don’t buy tiny bags and clutches.

If you want to buy exotic purses, handbags, and accessories, shop at Farbod Barsum. Founded in 2010, the company is committed to quality, luxury, and refinement. The edge of their bags is the attention to detail as well as their hand crafted classic styles incorporated with modern vision in composition. Farbod Barsum is based in Beverly Hills and is highly patronized by celebrities, socialites, and royalty. They’re the pioneers in combining the use of two or more different exotics on one bag which evolved further with the extensive use of signature color blocking of exotics. They’ve also incorporated Swarovski Crystals and Feathers on Exotics. Aside from handbags and clutches and small accessories, they also sell travel bags and executive bags like briefcase and men’s cross body bags.

NEIGHBORHOOD releases fall/winter collection 2016

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For this season, NEIGHBORHOOD, is fond in making some military jackets and inspired kind of pieces for their fall and winter seasons. I must say, these pieces were quite well known and usual already in the market as we talks about mens fashion and yet they are these trendiest pieces to have, why? Because these pieces are comfortable to wear as for the cold breeze seasons and the most reasonable pieces too, to have than those overcoat which quite pricey to have than to this bomber jackets.

As you can see, I often blogging up about this brand NEIGHBORHOOD here as I am too pleased in every pieces they releases, or I must say their pieces were really speaks to my style hence I really loves to include them up all here.

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As for this moment, these pieces weren’t yet released in the market to avail. But you can have your peek already at the brand’s main website for your consideration once they are all ready to sell. You can actually heads up to NEIGHBORHOOD page for you to learn the further details about this collection as I cant disclose all the details here, but one think I am sure that these pieces will be gone in market before this month of September will ends..

Okay, that would be all for now and please keep on checking me here for more fashion updates and new in pieces from these well known brands out in the industry today.

Men’s Grooming Trends: What’s Hot Right Now?

Men’s grooming is on the rise. And that’s not a bad thing. According to a Mintel report, 29 percent of men report spending more time on their hair this year. And they’re spending more time focusing on their skin.

So what’s going on in the male grooming market right now? Should we all start getting excited?

Skin “Maintenizers”

What is a skin “maintenizer?” I hear you ask. Well, it’s a product that’s designed through and through for men just entering middle age. One of the biggest issues for men and grooming is the time it takes. 86 percent of men want their grooming routine to be simple and straightforward. That’s why Japanese company, Lissage, developed their maintenizer. It’s supposed to be an all-in-one lotion that does it all. It moisturizes, covers blemishes and helps to smooth the skin. It contains that tried and tested ingredient, aloe vera as well as other phytochemicals. No, it hasn’t jumped on the turmeric bandwagon yet, but it does contain prunes.

FUE Hair Transplants

Follicular unit extraction, or FUE, sounds a lot more complicated than it is. Essentially, it’s a technique that takes follicles from one part of your body and plants them in another. The application to male baldness is evident.

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Five years ago the only people who could afford a FUE hair transplant were football stars and Hollywood actors. But now, thanks to the march of cosmetic technologies, it’s something many more people can afford. Now average prices are teetering around the $3,000 mark and are trending downward.

Male SPF Protection

For years, moisturizes have been marketing the benefits of SPF protection to women. But what about men? Not so much. Now, though, a company from South Korea is bucking the trend and looking to get men in on the act too. It’s recently released a cream that protects against the sun and cares for all skin layers. The product is designed to help give men back a youthful glow.

Night Creams

Night creams are marketed as a way to help men’s skin recover at night. It’s at this time when the skin is repairing itself naturally, that creams are said to help the most. The idea here is to use cream to nourish passively and moisturize the skin. If all goes to plan, you’ll wake up the next day looking bright at refreshed. Recently, a Californian brand introduced its own male night time product. The active ingredient is a type of acid that helps to remove dead skin cells. This, in turn, makes the skin look smoother and sleeker.


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We keep hearing about how we might have reached “peak beard.” But all the evidence on the ground appears to suggest that beards are still in fashion. Practically every Hollywood star is sporting a beard these days. Even Chris Pine was seen wearing one at the premiere of Star Trek: Beyond.

The great thing about beards is that there isn’t just one style you have to stick to as a man. You can do pretty much whatever you want. Have a look at these ideas for some inspiration.

Sexy A-Line Dresses From

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Actually, here at my site, I am trying to be fair and be informative as I could, not just for men but also for women as well, as Ive heard that I do have some bunch of betty’s readers over here that’s why I’d decided to have put up some sorts of women posts here that may surely gets their attention. And for today, let me tell you about this recent finds that Ive found which the Sexy A-line dresses that are suitable in any kind of formal and casual occasions for all the lovely ladies there. Actually, I dont know this yet as I am particular into men’s finds and pieces but I think having this posted here is a must as I know girls are dying to have this new kind of dress here that they can pull off in their gatherings in the following months ahead?, perhaps.

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There’re a lot of online and mortar stores that sells this kind of dress and you can even go to your fave designer to have it done base on your custom design if ever you have so. But if you were asking me in which way to have this, I strongly suggest you to have look this awesome online shop called where all these Formal Dresses Online were houses.

And if happened you resides in Australia, good then, because Amanda Dress is locally based to the country and they may have sent out your items for free of charge as they offer an free shipping around the territory and you can take advantage too on their Cheap Formal Dresses Australia offers that are indeed reasonable and great to have.

You can check their shop today and see it for yourself then on how good their shop is..

Caliroots x Stüssy 2016 Spring/Summer Lookbook

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It makes me excites whenever I see the street brand called stussy had teamed up from the other brands just to give us another dope finds to rock on, especially those guys who really loves the street wear finds and basics like I do.

Today, while I was browsing my source site I just found out that stussy is once again collaborated with the brand called Caliroots which I know most of you are waiting to happened, but on my own personal opinion, these pieces where just basic I think stussy doesn’t put up any neither the brand Caliroots in it that can really made each piece quirky. Because I know stussy finds well and I dont see any different in them which it should be or supposed to be as it was a collaborative pieces and these pieces should also be their limited edition items like what they usual do as for collaborative finds.

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But for overall, these pieces are still worth to have as stussy does a great work on them and still managed to have their trademark logo in them which I know most guys are keen to see in each stusssy pieces made.

as for this moment, these pieces are recently out in the market and ready to avail now. Just check stussy’s main website for more details and pricing range in each piece.

A Bathing Ape’s 2016 Fall/Winter Collection

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Admit it or not, there was a time that you feel kinda tired on the humid weather that we’d having right today just you thought of the cold breeze of winds that the fall and winter season as fond of making, right? but no worries, because few months from now will got to feel that breeze as the fall season is about to come soon. But before that let’s all gets our peek first on what other fashion brands has to offer for this season as some of them are started to release their own collection pieces for the said season.

Recently, Ive seen A Bathing Ape’s 2016 Fall/Winter Collection has made it posted its possible pieces for this coming season and I must say, their finds are indeed great that I know most of you dope guys will look forward to have, especially their jacket pieces specifically only for this collection. Their jackets are well versatile where you could wear them off in work and after work in fact you can even dress up and dress down through these pieces as long as you know on how you can style yourself well in it.

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Also, as Ive noticed Ape is truly fond of camo finds where I keep on seeing them having any finds in this pattern which I think mostly us guys are fondly want to wear of. No doubt why a lot of men who are into street wear fashion as already got crazed to the brands as specially they released new of finds in the market.

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The brand also liking to give those who lose minimalist fashion or these enthusiasts on normcore fashion some great finds to consider as the brand. Ape, wants to broaden their market and have their brand gets well known off not just locally but also international, though they making their way already in the international fashion scene and yet not all are aware off them.

Okay, that will be all for now and I hope you’ll keep on checking me here for more fashion news and updates!

REBEL8 2016 Summer Lookbook

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REBEL8 is coming back for their newly made pieces for their summer collection 2016. Though I think this was quite late already to release and yet they’ve made it which I know most of you dope guys out there are dying to have.

Actually, these were just included for their lookbook and I’d still dunno if these pieces were already released in the market or not as the brand haven’t emailed me yet regarding it. But no worries, as I have the latest update I’ll be surely keeps on posted here hence you have to be stick on this site more often for the updates as you keen to now further about this REBEL8 2016 Summer Lookbook.

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REBEL8 is on of the street wear brands that I really look forward to, as they always keen to have all the dope pieces we should have for the certain season thus everyone, especially guys, are keeping their eyes on it as they releases another new pieces to consider.

As for their new summer finds. I must say, these were really into street wear and as I can see it these type of pieces were perfectly anytime in a day thus every guys are pretty pleased to have these pieces from the brand.

Travel In Style: A Quick Guide For Men

It’s likely that many of us are going on exotic summer vacations in the not so distant future. There is no better feeling that getting on a plane to discover new destinations for a week or two. But the journey to these fabulous places can often be ruined by our style choices. Clothing that is too tight or restricting can make a long haul flight seriously uncomfortable. Therefore, smart travel clothing is essential. Comfort needs to be a priority when traveling, but that doesn’t mean you have to compromise on style. Use this guide to help you get prepared to travel in style when going on vacation.



Slip-on footwear is a must

Many airports around the world are asking for travelers to remove their shoes as they walk through security scanners. This can be incredibly inconvenient if you have shoes with laces such as brogues or plimsolls. This is why slip on footwear is an absolute must when traveling. Not only do they make getting through airport security a breeze, but they also look good with virtually any outfit. They also allow you to take your shoes off with minimum effort while onboard the aircraft. You can find some stylish and comfortable options at Vans Shoes and Tommy Hilfiger. Stick to black or navy for a classic look or go for a bolder color if you want to stand out.

Layering is essential

Layering can add both style and comfort to an outfit while also being highly practical. A white t-shirt is a fantastic base garment that you can add a number of items to. From bomber jackets, cardigans and even other t-shirts, there is a wealth of layering possibilities. You need to carefully consider the location you are starting in and your vacation destination. This should help you decide whether you need to wear light or warmer items of clothing. Try not to add too many layers as this can raise your temperature while also restricting movement. Choose loose fitting layers that are easy to take off and move around in.



Don’t forget your sunglasses

Sunglasses are a crucial item that every fashion conscious traveler must have. They can instantly make your outfit look more stylish while also being a practical accessory. You can use them to block the glare from the windows when on the plane or at the airport. This can protect your eyes while also making it easier to fall asleep during long flights. Plus having them with you on the plane means you can put them on as soon as you arrive. Choose a pair of clubmaster frames for an up to date look or go for a retro aviator style instead. Always choose glasses that suit your face shape and that fit comfortably on your face.

With these tips you can enjoy your flight to exciting locations around the world and still look your very best. It’s not unheard of for well-dressed travelers to get upgraded seats to business class. So try your luck, make an effort and always feel comfortable in your clothing.

UNDEFEATED x Champion 2016 Spring/Summer Capsule Collection

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One of the best street wear brand that I know was this UNDEFEATED. Because a lot of fashion icons even international celebrities are keep on wearing the brand even on their daily wear, it means this brand is pretty board as for its market strategies.

As for my personal fashion sense, I really like to have this basic shirt and still you can see the dopeness in it like what mostly UNDEFEATED pieces are, that’s why no doubt why mostly men are prefers this brand more than to the other available street wear brands out the in market today.

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Recently, the brand UNDEFEATED had teamed up with the one great brand called Champion for their both collaborative collection for spring and summer collection. They came up having 3 basic tees that ends to the color white, grey and black which the masculine colors, as well for the sweat short.

Both brand is retailing the t shirt for 5,500 JPY while the short is 8,000 JPY , receptively. Though, it is quite expensive to have but am telling you these pieces were a good deals as they lasted for some good years already thus it’s better if you have those in your closet.

These pieces were now available online. Just check each brand’s main online shops for further details about this and for your to learn more about the collection.